Darlene’s Top 6 Best of 2021

As we close out this year, I wanted to pop in your inbox to send you my warmest wishes this holiday season plus give you a summary of my Top 6 Best of 2021 Podcasting Articles.

You may have noticed 2021’s newsletter theme focus has been centered on Working Smarter, Not Harder in your Podcast Workflow.

My hope has been to give you solid foundations to streamline your efforts plus be filled with tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help you to fall in love with podcasting all over again.

Let’s take a look at what we covered:

Stop Reinventing the Wheel: Think Repurposing

In this article I invited you to think of your podcast content in 10 creative ways. Yes, the secret is repurposing! When you multiply the content of all the episodes you create in a single series, suddenly, you realize how much content is available for repurposing. Your team will appreciate not having to think of up new content. A huge quantity of what you need can be found in each episode…just waiting to be shared in new ways.

The next time you are preparing to do a Facebook or Instagram Live, start thinking about the other ways you can maximize the recording: including as a video on YouTube, clips for TikTok or Instagram Reels, and yes, even audio for podcast episodes. Click to read the full article.

The Best Length for Your Podcast Episodes

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “How long should my episode be?” In this article I share insights to help podcasters waffling between monologue and interview episodes. You’ll also learn editing tips including a way to tackle an interview with a long-winded guest with repetitive answers during the editing process. Click to read the full article.

Automation is Your Friend

Automating the guest interview process as much as possible will help you prepare for your interview recording. I’ve shared my favorite resources for collecting key pieces of information plus highlighted which essential pieces of information you’ll want to collect. Click to read the full article.

Seasons and/or Batching

I am a big fan of seasons. Here’s why: if you build seasons into your show, it allows you to schedule breaks. And with the holidays upon us, seasons may be just the thing you've been looking for in order to take some R&R. When deciding to have seasons and determining how many episodes you want in a season, I point out three things to consider. Click to read the full article.

Monetizing Your Podcast

Whether extra income from your podcast is earmarked to earn money for you or to offset associated podcast fees, it’s savvy to explore adding a revenue stream to your podcasting efforts. This newsletter was the offspring for my 14-page freebie, Monetize Your Podcast ebook! If you missed downloading this gift you will find it here. Click to read the full article.

Text to Subscribe

Using text to subscribe in your podcast is a great way to capture new email subscribers with ease. You’ve probably heard commercials across many marketing mediums inviting listeners to text a word or 5-digits to make a donation, get a coupon code, or receive a download or another promotional item. In this article I share 11 creative ways to add this to your marketing plans. Click to read the full article.

In this comfiest season of the year, may you find many reasons to smile. Cheers to the joyful past and beautiful present. May you find peace, happiness, and countless reasons to rejoice in life and in the new year.