Everyone seems to have a podcast these days. Right? So the question I ask of you, is having a podcast right for you?Let's discuss, shall we?
First, podcasting has been around for over a decade. It's not new and will be around for many years to come. Second, while it seems everyone has a podcast; it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should be podcasting.
Anyone that wants to start a podcast, should at least give it a try. However, if you want to start a podcast for business, consider these three questions below before starting:
Do you have a topic that you are passionate about and can talk about endlessly, without tiring?
Are you are creating a podcast, “just because you feel like you are going to ‘miss the boat’ on this whole podcasting craze”?
Do you have at least 2-3 hours a month to devote to your podcast?
If you’ve answered NO to questions #1 and #3, and YES to question #2, you may not be ready to start a podcast. Yet.
It does not mean you won’t ever be ready. It may take some strategy sessions to help you establish a plan. And, that’s okay. Take the time you need to determine the following:
Why you want to create a podcast. Determine your why.
Brainstorm topics you are passionate about. Figure out your what.
Devise a plan to help with time management. Create a plan to implement the production of your podcast. The plan can include outsourcing some podcast production tasks.
Once you’ve worked out the three parts above, you should be ready to move on and get started with your new podcast!
The main point of this post is to make it clear that podcasting is absolutely an awesome way to market and establish yourself as an expert in your niche. But, it's not the only arsenal in your toolbox. If it's not for you, that's okay! Don't force it. There are ways in which you can still share your knowledge and market your business in the digital world. Like: be a guest speaker on other podcasts, host or speak at online events, create videos or turn to blogging.
Want to find out what is involved in starting your own podcast? I offer podcast strategy sessions. Contact me today, to get started!