Avoiding Burnout or Podcast Idea Overload

2020 saw numerous shifts in routines and priorities. As we edge into 2021, how are you feeling about your podcast episodes or series plans? If you had to compare your enthusiasm and ideas to a gas tank, would you be running on empty or barely chugging along? Tank’s half-full and you’re thinking you can maybe reach your goals if you had some help? Or perhaps, the tank is full and the ideas are more and more and more to the point it’s hard to decide which one to follow.

Use my wisdom nuggets to determine if now is the right time to pour fuel on your idea and run with it or if you need to reach out for a jump-start.

Gauging Your Availability and Passion

First, determine if you have enough gas in your tank to take on your next podcast project. While launching a podcast or series isn’t rocket science, it does require a bit of your attention and commitment. Are you feeling like you can take this on or is your energy bandwidth dwindling? Perhaps you have feelings of burnout and can’t imagine adding one more thing to your plate. If you’re feeling burned out, now, may not be the right time. Hold this idea for later or consider scheduling a time to diagnosis what’s needed to move this idea forward.

Identify Your Support System

Next, it’s time to determine how you are going to produce the show and what kind of support you will need. You’re in a good place and feeling excited to take on something but you may need a gas attendant to help you mind things and ensure all is running smoothly. This attendant may help you refuel every now and again or could step into a larger role and lead the podcast crew forward.

Building Your Podcast Strategy

Think about all things necessary to bring your podcast into fruition and begin developing your strategy. Do you need an editor? A podcast manager? An assistant to be your right-hand? If you’re feeling stuck when it comes to strategy, click Reply and let me know. We’ll develop your strategy, not only for your launch, but for your on-going workflow to help you add fuel to your tank.

Producing your podcast episodes requires consistency and passion. The last time I launched a podcast episode or series was the Fall of 2019. I’ve had many podcast ideas since 2019. None of them lit me up and to be honest. I simply did not have the time, the will, or capacity to act on them.

Fast-Forward to a March 2021 Morning & My Eureka! Moment

It was a day following an inspiring consultation call with a potential client. The call, like many of my calls, morphed into a combination of a consultation plus a brainstorming session. This particular individual had some questions about podcast sponsorship and creating a video/audio podcast. Not able to control my passion for all things podcasting, I began sharing some ideas which in turn, inspired and intrigued her all the more.

While sharing my innate talent for brainstorming creative ideas, the creative juices were still bubbling up. The call ended with me feeling inspired and brimming with multiple ideas to apply to my business. I like to think the client leaves the call feeling confident and motivated about their idea.

When I set out to produce the next season of my show, I knew I wanted it to be a bit different, definitely useful, and inspiring. Afterall, my podcast is The Inspired Guide.

This leads me to you, my friend!

For this next season of The Inspired Guide podcast, the spotlight is shining on you! If you’ve had a burning question about podcasting, starting a work-from-home service-based business (like Virtual Assistance, Podcast Management or similar), or balancing work-from-home and motherhood, I’m inviting you to apply to have a recorded consult/brainstorming session with me!

We’ll talk things through together—bounce ideas back and forth—and hopefully by the end, you’ll walk away feeling motivated and inspired.

But wait, there’s more. I wanted to make this project even sweeter for you, me, AND the listeners. You’ll also get to ask ONE question that has been on your mind for the longest time. It can be related to business, personal development, parenting, social justice, ethics, or technology. (You get the idea.) While I am not an expert in those specific areas, through my network and through the magic of connecting with other podcasters, I will field your specific question and get it answered. I’ll do the leg work and you reap all the benefits. Sweet!

You in? If so, reach out via my contact form.