Hi-Res Photo Monday (Free Download)

After spending an hour at the park with family, run/walking for 3 miles yesterday morning, my husband and I made the 45-minute trek home. I had forgotten my camera that morning, so I was pretty bummed. When we got home at 2pm in the afternoon on a Sunday, after being out since 9am, I was tired. BUT, I had missed my weekend photography session. I am starting to really enjoy 30-45 minutes outdoors, being one with nature. And, I am also committed to sharing a free photo download each Monday on my blog. When we got home, I grabbed my  camera and back out I went. Below is a photo of dormant railroad tracks I found at a local park. I figured it's rare to get that up close and personal with railroad tracks, which is why I am making it this week's photo download. You can download, use on your website, or even as the background for your computer.  It’s my gift to you! Attribution is highly encouraged.

Click on an image to open the high-resolution version in a new window. Note: the files are large, it may take a few moments to download.