
How to Save an Image from a Google Document

Have you ever received a shared Google Document from a client or team member with the image inserted into the document? And this was a document in which you were in charge of putting the content onto a website (copy AND picture, included)?

And you thought, “Well, dang. There is no way to get this photo ‘out’ of the document, unless I just screenshot it.”

Welllllll, guess what? There IS a way to download and save images that are within a shared Google Document. I've created this super short (25 seconds) video that shows you how.   

Handling a Professional Setback



Setbacks; we all experience them at one point or another. Professional setbacks or personal – the emotions you feel may be similar. They range from sadness, anger, regret or uncertainty; just to name a few. But, this post is not about dwelling on the setback. It’s about how you react to one and how to move forward. For the sake of a business blog, let’s focus on professional setbacks. An example of a professional setback could be losing a high-paying, long-term client. In the moments after the break, you may feel upset, nervous; heck downright panicked. Here’s the thing, it’s just a moment. And, moments are fleeting. Here’s some advice (tried and true advice, by yours truly) on how to deal with a professional setback.

  1. Accept it – in all its terrible glory. Cry, scream and shout. It’s okay to do that. Setbacks suck. Allow yourself to experience your emotions. It's important to understand I am not giving you permission to dwell on it. Experience your emotions and then move on.

  2. Understand it – once you have given yourself time to work through your emotions, understand why it happened. Most times, a setback has nothing to do with something you did. Yes, sometimes it does. Understand how and why it happened. This is important.

  3. Plan for it – now that you have screamed and cursed and understand why the setback happened, you can put a plan into place to avoid such a setback in the future or at least help soften the blow; should it happen again.

Now, let’s go back to the loss of the high-paying, long-term client. Sure, this may very well happen again with a future client. However, by accepting the initial setback, understanding why it happened, you can now put a plan into place to ensure a full practice or consistent interest in your services. Perhaps marketing efforts were less than stellar prior to your setback. Now, by consistently marketing your business, you can keep your marketing funnel full; and thus lessen the fear of losing a client.

Remember, when one door closes, another one is right around the corner – open and letting in a cool refreshing breeze.

Evolution of an Entrepreneur

Evolution of an entrepreneur is an interesting thing. Many of my associates, of whom I’ve stayed in touch with over the years, have grown and evolved.  It is fun for me to look back to see how far they’ve come.  Some branched off into new business directions, while others have left the world of business ownership completely. Their evolution reminds me of how far I’ve come, as well as, the twists and turns my own journey has taken me. Way back in 2008, I started my first business.  I was younger, new at running a business, and if I am being honest, not completely confident in my skills. In fact, back then, I lived and breathed the motto, “Fake it until you make it.”  I did that for the first year of my business.

Then a funny thing began to happen, I started getting better – with many things – from closing deals to managing projects and everything in between. I started a podcast and connected with people all over the world. Shy by nature, this was a huge step for me!

My first podcast, A Virtual Perception, led me down a new path, into the wonderful world of podcasting. Eventually, I began offering podcasting assistance as a service.  I loved it (and still do!).

Over the course of the last seven years, I’ve travelled many different roads and have even taken a few detours along the way. In fact, for a while, I took a major detour by taking a full-time job. It was not a decision I regret, although I did question it at first. The decision meant closing up shop for a time and that weighed heavily on me. But, it was the right choice.  I’ve come to appreciate the job, the people and the connections I’ve built.

Stepping back into the world of entrepreneurship was interesting. There were two main differences this time around:

1. I had a direction - I knew exactly what services I wanted to offer – digital media management and podcasting support.  In 2008, I just kind of threw things at the wall to see what would stick. I realized, I could not (and should not) be everything to everyone.

2. I had a business name and brand – me. I decided not to hide behind a fancy business name or spend the time trying to come up with a catchy concept. Authenticity is important to me and I felt by having my business name simply be “Darlene Victoria”, it was an extension of that. My clients know exactly who I am and by visiting my site and blog, can determine exactly what to expect when working with me.

If you are considering entrepreneurship and feel like you are lacking confidence or too scared to start, just stop. Stop it. Confidence will come, it won’t come overnight, but it will. It took me seven years to feel comfortable in my own shoes. Stay the course (it's okay to take a detour or two); in the end you’ll come out being a better, brighter and more confident entrepreneur. Still unsure? My e-book, The Inspired Entrepreneur's Guide has an exercise that helps you build confidence. Check it out here.